Oversized - Empty Handed

Together as friends we wrote this song,
we had our fights but not for long,
not like the ones who are too fucking stubbern,
they are feeling shit, they are feeling sick,
they are feeling empty handed...

Nothing lasts for long, pretending to be strong,
now your friendships gone.
You are feeling shit, you are feeling sick,
you are feeling...(guess what)

You tell me no one night stands, you tell me shit,
tell me Im making it up.
No can do, I am feeling sorry for you,
Im feeling empty handed!

Nothing lasts for long, pretending to be strong,
now your friendships gone.
Im feeling sorry for you, Im feeling ..........

I may be naieve, but I wont stop believe in friendship.
Why dont you, just make it up and return to good old times,
Dont know if I should interfere, but I think its such a shame!

Forget about it........ you just cant forget about it!
Im feeling sorry for you, Im feeling empty handed.